1 - Enter a Page Name
Enter a new Page Name or one that you know, then press the "Access Entries using this Page Name" button.
If the page has already been used (entries have been created), you will see the entries that have been posted.
If no entries are found for the Page Name you have entered, congratulations, it's available for you to add new entries.
2 - Add Page Entries
If on the page displayed after entering a Page Name you see the message "No entries found for this Page Name", you can create the first new entry by selecting the "Create Entry for this Page Name" button to display the entry page.
If entries are already posted, you can add additional entries by pressing the "Create Entry for this Page Name" button.
3 - Entries Displayed
As you add entries they are redisplayed with the other entries, where you can select to add more entries for your Page Name.
To view other pages, press the "Enter a New Page Name (start over)" button.
This Simple Web Log system allows you to create and view a list of entries associated with your unique Page Name. To create a new entry, simply enter a Page Name that you wish to use to idendtify your list of entries. Then post an entry, entering a sequence number and your information. This information will be posted to the web database and presented with other entries made under the same Page Name.
The Page Name can be any thing you like. The name you enter cannot be greater than 200 characters. If you want people to guess your Page Name, make it something common, like your initials or company name. But if you do not want just anyone finding your entries, create a name that cannot be guessed. Just send your Page Name to those you wish to view the log, since there is not a directory listing available of all the names that are entered.
If you want to change a Page Name entry, click the date/time link located to the right of the entry to view and update your existing entry.
If you want to be notified when there is a change to the page, click the "Create Notify Entry" link to enter your smart phone number. To see a list of those requesting a notification, click the cancel button on the Create Notify Entry page. To mark a phrase of your posting to only be be sent as a text message start the phrase with </NOTIFY> and end with the same tag, </NOTIFY>.
Any one who knows and enters your Page Name can view the entries posted! Therefore, please treat this posting and displaying of information the same way you would information you would have written on paper and have posted outside your office on a public bulletin board.
If you have additional questions, please drop us a note at CUZBUZ.com@gmail.com.
Brief Legal/Operational Information
Any objectionable content will be removed without notice. Also be aware that any information may be view by others and may be removed or become unavailable at any time, so please provide your own backup copies of any information posted. NetWebData Solutions does not assume any responsibility for the content or for the ability for access and storage of any data posted. Do not post any copyrighted or protected information unless you have permissions to do so. Use system at your own risk.