Mark Williams
Mark Williams :: Blog

A Bit About Me:

I am an Oracle software developer with DBA experience. I authored the ODP.NET column in Oracle Magazine and the Apress book "Pro .NET Oracle Programming". I'm also a former Oracle ACE Director which means I tend to advocate Oracle and try to help people with it. This site may or may not have (meaningful) content. Sometimes I am a perfectionist.

NOTE: This site is not actively maintained.

SQL> set heading off
SQL> variable v_type varchar2(32)
SQL> exec :v_type := 'disclaimer';

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

SQL> select text from standard_text where text_type=:v_type;

The content expressed here is my own and does not necessarily reflect that of Oracle Corporation, its affliates or clients, or anyone else for that matter. The content expressed by visitors is their own. The content on this site is not guaranteed to be fit for any purpose and no warranty of any kind is expressed or implied. If you choose to use any content from this site, it is at your own risk.

Always use a non-production system to assess the suitability of any content from this site in your environment.

1 row selected.

Oracle Magazine: Articles
HotSos Symposium 2009
The paper and all sample code from my HotSos Symposium 2009 presentation entitled "Instrumented Code Is Better Code" is available as a single .zip file.

To download the .zip file, click here.
HotSos Symposium 2007
The paper and all sample code from my HotSos Symposium 2007 presentation entitled "Oracle Data Provider for .NET (ODP.NET) Performance Tips and Techniques" is available as a single .zip file.

To download the .zip file, click here.
Pro .NET Oracle Programming
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