Geometry Data Not Loaded

This page requires the country border geometry loaded into the jk64demo_countries table.

To load this data, run jk64demo_countries_geometry.sql. You can download this script from here.

Load GeoJSON via SQL


The Visualisation on this map is set to "GeoJson" and the SQL Query loads some countries selected at random.

select json_object( 'type' is 'Feature', 'geometry' is geometry returning clob ) as geojson ,country as name ,rownum as id ,country||'-flex1' as flex1 ,'#' || /*random color*/ to_char(dbms_random.value(0, to_number('FFFFFF','XXXXXX')),'fm0XXXXX') as flex2 from ( select * from jk64demo_countries where geometry is not null order by dbms_random.value ) where rownum <= 70

The JavaScript Initialisation code has this: this.options.featureStyleFn = function(feature) { var color = feature.getProperty('attr02'); return /** @type {!google.maps.Data.StyleOptions} */({ fillColor : color, strokeColor : color, strokeWeight : 2 }); }

We could also embed the properties in the geoJson document; this allows the developer to include any arbitrary properties while avoiding using "flex" fields: select json_object( 'type' is 'Feature', 'geometry' is c.geometry, 'properties' is json_object( 'id' is, 'name' is, 'population' is c.pop ) returning clob ) as geojson from country_borders c
A Dynamic Action on the mouseoverFeature event sets P27_NAME to:"name") A Dynamic Action on the mouseoutFeature event clears P27_NAME.
A Dynamic Action on the selectFeature event sets P27_DATA to: "id=" +"id") + " attr01=" +"attr01") + " attr02=" +"attr02")
Refresh the page to load the borders for a different set of countries.
It is possible to query the data layer and interact dynamically with its contents. For example, the "Select feature with id=1" button runs the following JavaScript:

var dataLayer = $("#map_testmap").reportmap("instance"), feature = dataLayer.getFeatureById('1'); feature.setProperty("isSelected",true); $s("P27_NAME", feature.getProperty("name")); $s("P27_DETAILS", "id=" + feature.getProperty("id") + " attr01=" + feature.getProperty("attr01") + " attr02=" + feature.getProperty("attr02"));

This gets the Data Layer from the Google Map object, then queries it for the feature matching the given ID (note that our query sets id to the rownum). It then sets the "isSelected" property on the feature which triggers the map to re-execute the feature's style function.

A custom style hides all the labels and roads from the map.