This is an example of using server side substitutions that allow you to dynamically change the static content on refresh. The benefit here is that it all happens on the server which means we can substitute the content with any value in session state, which means that you can reference application items or items on other pages etc.
You can still submit local changes using "Page Items to Submit" with the benefit of them being updated in session state prior to the static content refresh, which means the values will remain in place on page reload. Below is an example of a profile that can be dynamically updated by changing page item values. Note: the refresh time is sourced from an application item which is set by checking the "Extra Option" to "Execute PL/SQL Code before Refresh". Here is the example code:
:CURRENT_DATE_TIME := to_char(sysdate, 'FMDay')||', '||to_char(sysdate, 'HH:MI:SS pm');
<section class="fos-profile-demo-card">
<figure class="fos-profile-demo-panel fos-profile-demo-meta">
<img class="fos-profile-demo-avatar" src="&P3010_AVATAR_1!ATTR." width="128" height="128"/>
<h1 class="fos-profile-demo-name"><strong>&P3010_TITLE_1!HTML.</strong> &P3010_NAME_1!HTML.</h1>
<div class="fos-profile-demo-panel fos-profile-demo-info">
<dl class="fos-profile-demo-skillz">
<dd style="width:&P3010_CSS_VALUE_1!ATTR.%">&P3010_CSS_VALUE_1!HTML.</dd>
<dd style="width:&P3010_JAVASCRIPT_VALUE_1!ATTR.%">&P3010_JAVASCRIPT_VALUE_1!HTML.</dd>
<dd style="width:&P3010_SQL_VALUE_1!ATTR.%">&P3010_SQL_VALUE_1!HTML.</dd>
<dd style="width:&P3010_PLSQL_VALUE_1!ATTR.%">&P3010_PLSQL_VALUE_1!HTML.</dd>
<div style="padding-top:15px;font-size:9px;">Refreshed on: &CURRENT_DATE_TIME!HTML.</div>
- 12
- Javascript
- 5
- 75
- 40
Refreshed on:
Try changing the values below....